DIY indoor firewood rack
It’s so easy to build an indoor firewood rack yourself. For practical and stylish firewood storage in your living room.

Large quantities of fresh firewood are usually stored and pre-dried outside. A garden wood shelter – which you can also easily build yourself using our step-by-step instructions – is great for this purpose.
Next, you’ll need wood storage for indoors as well. That means you won’t need to make a separate trip outside for every log, or keep a loose pile of firewood next to your fireplace or stove.
If you build our DIY firewood shelving rack, you’ll create the perfect indoor wood storage area not only for your firewood but also for your poker and fireplace brush.
Depending on how tall you make it, the firewood rack can also be used as a stand for houseplants or as a useful surface.
Our firewood rack is the optimum size – whether you saw your firewood yourself or buy it ready to use, it is generally 25 or 33 cm in length. This means it will fit these DIY shelves perfectly.
Your wood can also be further dried in your firewood rack, where it gets an extra dose of warmth and comfort.
DIY firewood rack: Preparation
Before you build your decorative firewood rack for your living room, you’ll need to do a little preparation and have the right materials to hand.
Wood with a beautiful grain such as fruitwood or oak is particularly well suited for use in a firewood rack – and the latter is also very robust. Cherry wood, which has a red colour, is also a great choice.
A firewood rack should be indoors, near the fireplace. This will ensure the wood is very close at hand and can dry out nicely.
Yes, you can store wood indoors. It’s best to bring enough wood for the next one or two days into your home. However, where possible you should only store wood that has a residual moisture content of 15-20% in the house; this prevents mould forming, and means it is ready to burn.
To dry, firewood should be stored outside for two years beforehand, for example in a firewood shelter.
Materials and tools
The wooden beams and planks make up the visible components of your indoor firewood storage rack, so you should choose wood with a grain that is as beautiful as possible. For example, we recommend fruitwood or sturdy oak. Red cherry wood is also a great choice.
A thin wooden board is needed to make a drilling template – you can use any piece of leftover wood for this.
Tip: Some wastage is included in the calculations for all materials.

35 x 15 cm timber, total length a good 220 cm
7 x 35 cm planks, total length 170 cm
Thin wooden board, 35 x 15 cm
36 wooden dowels, 10 x 40 mm
Wood oil, e.g. walnut oil
Wood glue
Flat brush for oiling
A template for marking the drill holes can be downloaded here in DIN A3 format:
- Belt sander with 180 grit belt, depending on the board condition
- Chainsaw, e.g. STIHL MSA 160 cordless chainsaw
- Cordless drill/screwdriver or power drill/drill press
- 10 mm wood drill
- Rubber mallet
- Hammer
Working with high-performance power tools is fun and allows you to broaden your skills, which is great as long as you can rely on effective and safe protective clothing while using them. Always wear your personal protective equipment when working with your chainsaw. This includes helmets, cut protection trousers, safety boots and much more. For details, refer to your product owners manual. Before using your power tool for the first time, fully familiarise yourself with it and ensure that it is in flawless condition before each use. On request, your STIHL dealer will be happy to prepare your power tool for its first job, and will also advise you on models and sizes of protective clothing that you can try on at your leisure. Please remember that personal protective equipment is no substitute for working safely.
DIY indoor firewood rack: Instructions
The materials are ready, now you can finally get started. You can easily build your own living room firewood rack in just nine simple steps.
Cut the timber joist into four parts: 2 40-centimetre-long pieces and 2 which are each 65 centimetres long. Cut the plank into one section of 70 centimetres and one of 90 centimetres.

Sand all sides of the cut wood so they are smooth. Do this step thoroughly, as you are creating the final surface for your indoor firewood rack.
Consider wearing ear protection if you are using a sander.

Now use a thin wooden board to make a drilling template with 6 holes – positioned as 3 pairs. You will need this later to ensure that the wooden dowels fit correctly in all the joints of the rack. Take the cross-section of the thick timbers as the basis (15 x 35 cm) for the template.

First mark out the holes you need to drill by placing the drilling template you have just created flush on the edge of the beam. Then, drill 10-millimetre-wide holes to exactly 2 centimetres deep. If you don’t have a drill with a depth stop, simply mark the required drill depth on the drill bit with tape, and then carefully drill into the wood up to that mark.

STIHL professional tip: Leave the area directly around the drilled holes bare, as oil here would interfere with the wood glue used later. It’s best to tape off the drilled areas, using masking tape for example. Of course, you can also carefully brush around the holes.
Caution: Oil the wood in the workshop or outdoors as, depending on the type of oil, this process can create unpleasant fumes. Also, ensure any rags that have come into contact with linseed oil are dried spread out flat in a ventilated area, and if you need to store them in the interim, do so in sealed screw-top jars to avoid the risk of spontaneous combustion.

Coat all around one half of the dowels with wood glue, then carefully insert them into the holes you drilled in the planks. If necessary, use a hammer to drive the dowels into the holes.

Now coat the other half of the dowels with wood glue. Set the two 40-centimetre-long wooden planks up in parallel, and affix the 90-centimetre plank between them via the dowels. It necessary, use a rubber mallet to make the boards lie flush together.

Now attach the two remaining pieces of wood (65 centimetres) to the plank using the same principle. Again, make sure that the boards are flush and that the dowels are fully sunk into the wood. Then fasten the 70-centimetre plank across the two beams.

Now you can attach a holder for your fireplace accessories to the firewood rack. To do this, simply attach a hook rail to the side of your firewood rack with screws, so your shovel and all the rest of your accessories can be stored right near your fireplace.

Finished! Your homemade indoor firewood rack is ready. Now you have a practical and stylish way to store your firewood indoors. Since the firewood rack looks great from front and back, you could even use it as a room divider. Alternatively, you can add a back panel to close off the firewood rack on one side.
Proper maintenance for your DIY indoor wood store
As with all oiled wood, you should regularly re-oil the firewood rack. It’s best to do this an on annual basis, or at the latest when the wood becomes pale or the surface feels rough. As with all other furniture, in terms of regular maintenance you should occasionally dust the indoor firewood rack and wipe it with a soft, slightly damp cloth. Do not use a microfibre cloth, as this removes oil from the wood.

Summary: DIY indoor firewood rack
An indoor firewood rack offers a decorative way of storing firewood near the fireplace
Cut wooden beams and planks to size, sand them smooth, and make holes with the aid of a template
Oil the frame, fix dowels into the holes with wood glue, and assemble the frame
For maintenance, re-oil annually as needed