All about garden fertilisation and feeding

Garden fertilisation seeks to mimic the natural cycle by nourishing the soil at the right time. Proper feeding is key – find out how to do it.

A man kneeling down and scattering fertiliser pellets from a bowl onto the earth around a plant

Garden fertilisation: informed by nature

Vegetation in the natural world depends on an established biological cycle of growth, death, decay, and decomposition, with every component equally essential. As gardeners creating our own outdoor realms, we need to recreate this cycle for plants to thrive – which requires some extra thought. In untended open space plant matter dies, falls to the ground, and decays; micro-organisms in the soil work break down the remains and release the nutrients contained within, fuelling continued growth. In a human-made garden though, plants are arranged, pruned, dead-headed and harvested, all of which means fewer nutrients are added to the earth. This is where garden feeding or fertilisation comes in; it simply describes the addition of vital nutrients which plants need to thrive.

One way to imitate nature in the garden is by adding compost, as this is created via the same process of decay that occurs naturally in undisturbed vegetation. Compost is a valuable addition, but for your garden to really thrive you need to supplement it with other fertiliser, adding the specific nutrients that your plants need to grow successfully.

Organic fertiliser being poured into a bowl

There is a huge range of fertilisers available, and it is easy to become lost among the many products. When should garden fertilising be done? Do you need a special type of fertiliser? What is the difference between mineral and organic fertilisers? We explain everything you need to know below.

Garden fertilisation: choosing the right feed

Fertilisation needs to match plants’ requirements and supply the specific nutrients which the soil in your garden or planter lacks, or will quickly become depleted in. To put it another way, if your soil is already rich in nutrients fertilisation will do more harm than good – both to your plants and the environment. In particular, over-fertilisation with highly concentrated mineral fertilisers can be detrimental, as excess substances in over-fertilised earth run-off and pollute groundwater. We recommend using organic options for fertilisation, as these add natural matter to the soil, while industrial mineral fertilisers add synthetic nutrients to the soil and can harm the environment if incorrectly applied.

Tip: Soil testing helps you choose the right feed 

There are several good reasons to analyse the soil in your garden: it tells you about your soil condition and can guide you towards the right garden fertilisers to use in future. It also helps prevent over-fertilisation of the soil, while allowing you to save money and protect the environment.

Soil analysis sounds advanced, but can be done quite simply. There are home soil testing kits available to buy, or you can send a sample off for expert analysis – an online search will reveal appropriate providers. These labs will send results back within a few weeks and, depending on the type of test, can give you information on the nutrients or pollutants present in the soil. This helps you choose the right fertiliser for your garden, and avoid overloading of nutrients. 

Garden fertilisation: mineral and organic fertilisers

Mineral fertilisers are artificially manufactured to contain various minerals. They are often sold in liquid form but are also available in other states, primarily as industrially produced salts. They contain high concentrations of nutrients which are immediately made available to plants. The sandier the soil they are applied to, the more quickly the fertiliser is leached out – mineral fertilisers are a risk to the environment because of this leaching of nutrients.

Organic fertilisers are made of organic material such as bonemeal. As such, they can be considered a natural fertiliser for your garden, adding nitrogen and other nutrients to the garden’s soil – though these substances must first be released by micro-organisms underground. Because organic fertilisers are biodegradable and not water-soluble, they have a much slower release rate than mineral fertilisers, but they are also more environmentally friendly, making them the preferred method of fertilisation. There is one caveat to this: mineral fertiliser is fine to use on potted plants as the containers mean no fertiliser will leak into the ground; in any case, potting soil contains no micro-organisms to break down organic fertiliser.

NPK fertilisers can be both mineral and organic. The name refers to the three nutrients that these complete feeds contain: N for nitrogen, P for phosphorus, and K for potassium. It can be difficult to calculate the correct dosage on account of the high concentration of active ingredient. The nutrient proportions required vary between different plant groups and are expressed in whole-number ratios on NPK fertilisers; this means that there is a danger of over-supplying a particular nutrient. A soil analysis makes it easier to make an appropriate choice here.

Garden fertilisation: when to do it

Garden fertilisation starts in spring; do it first in March/April, when plants move into active growth again. Depending on the type you use, fertilisation can remain effective in your garden for six months, after which you may wish you feed the plants again. The important thing to remember is that you should not fertilise your garden just before winter arrives: this is when plants rest and stop growing, so nutrient consumption drops. Find out more about gardening in winter in our guide. 

Earth being raked by someone wearing gloves

Basic fertilisation in spring

Basic fertilisation should be done in spring. If you are using organic fertiliser, apply it to the soil and rake it in as per instructions. Water the ground well afterwards, so that micro-organisms can quickly get to work on the process of biodegrading the substances.

Maintenance fertilisation in summer

Fertiliser can keep feeding your garden for up to six months depending on the soil composition and fertiliser type, but if you need to you can fertilise again in summer. Many heavy-feeding plants, such as roses, enjoy a second fertilisation in summer, and will reward you with stunning blooms. Note: Don’t apply fertiliser to your garden during heatwaves or droughts. 

Should I fertilise my garden in autumn?

Plant metabolisms change their behaviour from autumn onwards. Because nature is transitioning from growth to rest, fertilisation in this season is not recommended; it’s best to wait until next year. 

STIHL professional tip: Enriching your soil with compost is no replacement for complete garden fertilisation if you are growing perennials and other plants with high nutrition needs – though if you are using compost in your garden you can reduce the amount of fertiliser applied by around a third. This is a good option, as the effect that compost has on soil is difficult to replicate: it changes the structure and ability to retain water. The long-term aim of using both compost and other substances for garden fertilisation is loose, nutrient-rich soil.

Organic fertiliser pellets being scattered from a bowl by someone wearing gloves

Garden fertilisation: specific needs of various plants

Different garden plants have different fertilisation needs. We have summarised some information about which plants need special fertiliser, what you can use all-purpose products for, and which plants don’t need fertiliser at all. 

Summary: garden fertilisation   

  • Nature’s nutrient cycle does not apply in human-made gardens, as nutrients are continuously removed through harvesting and pruning
  • A soil analysis provides information on the composition of your soil and is always recommended
  • Organic and mineral fertilisers are available. The latter are industrially manufactured and quick to act, but organic fertilisers are better for the environment and for long-term feeding of your garden 
  • Initial basic fertilisation should be done in spring. You may wish to fertilise again in summer, but never do so during a heatwave or drought
  • Over-fertilised plants develop softer tissues, often have dark-green leaves, and are highly susceptible to pests and diseases
  • Stop fertilising the garden from August/September so that plants can prepare for the winter