Oval-leaved privet (ligustrum ovalifolium)
Although the oval-leaved privet is a classic privacy screening hedge plant, it can also be grown to have a tall trunk and can certainly achieve tree-like qualities, reaching heights of up to 5 metres.
Increasing by 15 to 30 cm in height per year in a sunny to semi-shaded location, this low-maintenance shrub is considered to be fast-growing. It usually sheds its elongated, medium-green leaves when new growth begins in spring, and as such is referred to as wintergreen (instead of evergreen).
The fragrant white flower panicles this plant produces from June onwards are not only extremely decorative, but also a nutritional paradise for bees, bumblebees, butterflies and moths. Ligustrum ovalifolium forms shallow roots, is robust, and tolerates cutting and urban climates well. From an ecological point of view, it is a more valuable choice than the similar and frequently planted cherry laurel, as the flowers and berries of the privet provide food for insects and birds.