Make sure to thin out the crown and counteract excessive growth to keep the plant in a healthy balance. This not only promotes fruit formation, but also prevents the tree from suffering under its own weight.
If you prune your fig tree, you can look forward to beautiful growth and a good harvest – which is what matters.
When pruning a fig tree, you should first remove all dead, sick or damaged branches. Then thin out the crown to improve air circulation and sunlight.
Trim older branches to promote fertile new growth. Also remove water shoots that do not bear fruit.
To prune a fig tree, you need sharp secateurs, such as STIHL PG 30 Bypass, for smaller branches, a pruning saw for thicker branches, and gloves to protect your hands.
Make sure that all tools are clean and disinfected to prevent the spread of disease.
Spring is the best time to prune a fig tree before the new growth starts. The autumn period after harvesting is also suitable for pruning.
Avoid pruning during the main growth and flowering periods in summer.
A fig tree should be pruned at least once a year to promote its health and fertility.
You can make additional light cuts in the summer to maintain the shape or control the growth.
Yes, a fig tree can be deep pruned, especially if it has been neglected or is excessively large. However, this should only be done as a last resort to avoid damaging the tree.
Yes, a fig tree can be successfully kept small by regular pruning. By removing excess growth and thinning out the crown, you can effectively control the size – especially for trees in tubs.
The height of a fig tree can vary depending on the variety and growth conditions.
On average, fig trees reach a height of 3 to 5 metres, but can also grow taller under ideal conditions.
You should prune a fig tree to promote tree health, growth and fruit production.
Targeted pruning creates a crown that is airy and loosely packed - the perfect prerequisite for sun-kissed fruit. It also helps to control the size and shape of the tree.
Different months of the year are suitable for pruning a fig tree (Ficus carica), depending on the pruning technique and scope. Please note that the times given are based on experience and only serve as a rough guide – so always keep the individual requirements of your tree in mind.
Of course, when to prune is not only relevant for figs – here you can read more about when you should cut your other fruit trees.
You can find out in the table below whether you should prune your fig tree in autumn before wintering, in spring or at another time of year.
Month | Pruning recommended | Tips/hints |
January | No | Too cold for pruning, tree in dormant phase |
February | No | Prepare for spring pruning |
March | Yes | Ideal for pruning before new growth |
April | Yes | Good time for light pruning and shaping |
May | Limited | Only light pruning, no big cuts |
June | Limited | Thinning and pinching to promote fruiting |
July | Limited | Light pruning to control growth |
August | No | Tree in dormant phase, no pruning |
September | No | Prepare for autumn, no pruning |
October | Yes | Light pruning, prepare for winter |
November | No | Leave the tree dormant, no pruning |
December | No | Dormant phase, no pruning |
It is not only botanical aspects that you should take into account when pruning your fig tree: please note that the German Federal Nature Conservation Act (Section 39 BNatSchG) prohibits radical pruning between 1 March and 30 September - however, limited shaping and maintenance pruning is still permitted.
Before you start pruning your fig tree, make sure you have the right tools to hand. These include sharp secateurs, such as the STIHL PG 20 Bypass, protection gloves, and a pruning saw for larger trees. Pay particular attention to ensuring that all tools are clean and disinfected to prevent the spread of tree diseases.
Working with high-performance power tools is fun and allows you to broaden your skills, which is great if you can rely on effective and safe protective clothing.
Always wear your personal protective equipment when working with STIHL power tools. Find out more in the owners manuals for your product. Before using your power tool for the first time, fully familiarise yourself with it and ensure that it is in flawless condition before each use.
On request, your STIHL dealer will be happy to prepare your power tool for its first job, and will also advise you on models and sizes of protective clothing that you can try on at your leisure. Please remember that personal protective equipment is no substitute for safe working.
We explain in 5 simple steps how you should prune your fig tree to achieve good pruning results and enjoy your tree for a long time. Get started right away:
When pruning your fig tree, start by removing frost damage. Frost damage can be identified by discoloration or cracks. Cut back frost-damaged branches to healthy wood.
Remove any dead or diseased shoots. These are often dry, brittle and show no signs of new growth. A clean cut promotes tree health.
Incidentally, you can use the deadwood you have recovered to create a dead hedge – perfect for sustainable and animal-friendly garden design.
When pruning a fig tree, remove crossing or inward-growing branches to thin out the crown. This improves air circulation and light penetration – essential for fruit development.
Trim older branches to promote the growth of fertile new growth. When pruning your fig tree, be careful not to remove too much so as not to interfere with fruit production.
When you prune your fig tree, remove all water shoots, also known as water sprouts. These usually grow vertically and do not bear fruit, but deprive the tree of energy and important nutrients.
To successfully trim a fig tree, it is best to learn some helpful special techniques that ensure excellent results.
Thinning out
When thinning out, remove any side shoots that do not bear fruit. This concentrates the tree’s energy on the fruit-bearing shoots, resulting in better fruit quality.
When pinching, shorten the tips of young shoots to control growth and promote branching. This is particularly important in order to develop a dense and fertile crown when you prune your fig tree.
Prune as a trellis
Fig trees can be grown as trellises, which is particularly practical in small gardens or on walls. If you are pruning your fig tree as a trellis, you should give it a flat shape. To do this, attach all side shoots to a frame or wall and cut them back regularly.
After pruning, check the tree for symmetry and balance. Remove all cuttings to keep out diseases and pests. Remember that regular pruning is a good prerequisite for a healthy fig tree with plenty of fruit. So it's worth pruning your fig tree!
Make sure to thin out the crown and counteract excessive growth to keep the plant in a healthy balance. This not only promotes fruit formation, but also prevents the tree from suffering under its own weight.
The fig tree puts out tender green shoots.
If a fig tree has been heavily neglected or has become excessively large, it may be necessary to deep prune it. However, this intensive pruning should only be used as a last resort to restore the health and shape of the tree.
A deep prune removes most of the branches, but leaves a few main branches to give the tree a chance to regenerate.
If you want to grow a fig tree into a standard trunk, you will need to have plenty of patience and be prepared to carry out regular tree care.
Start by selecting and supporting a central leading shoot. Remove all other vertical shoots to concentrate growth on the main stem. Trim the side branches so that a clear trunk shape is created.
This process can take several years, but the result is a beautiful, tall fig tree that is a real eye-catcher in your garden.
When pruning a fig tree, whether in the ground or in a tub, care and understanding of the plant’s needs is essential. Regular pruning not only promotes the health and fertility of your fig tree, but also influences its size and shape.
For detailed instructions on pruning fruit trees, including fig trees, visit our fruit tree pruning guide. If you are interested in propagating your plants by cuttings, you will find useful tips and techniques in our article on taking cuttings.
If the fig tree is cared for and pruned correctly, it can become a beautiful eye-catcher in your garden or on your terrace.
Have courage when pruning and just get started – and if you still have doubts, a course at your local adult education centre or horticultural association will certainly give you additional confidence. Enjoy your work!