How to prune a lemon tree

A lemon tree adds Mediterranean flair to the garden. Find out how to prune the citrus tree.

Lemons on a tree

Overview: Pruning a lemon tree  

  • It is best to prune lemon trees in early spring
  • Use a sharp, high-quality tool to make cuts
  • A shaping cut gets the crown looking pleasing
  • A rejuvenation cut renews an older lemon tree
  • Pruning is essential for healthy growth and lots of fruit

Pruning a lemon tree – when is best?

The following overview offers an initial guide to the right time to prune your evergreen lemon tree (Citrus limon).

Time of yearPruning recommendation Notes
SpringYesBefore new growth, at the latest in March (note the pruning ban!)
SummerConditionalOnly light shaping and maintenance pruning (note the pruning ban!)
AutumnConditionalPossible before overwintering
WinterYesLate winter/February, perfect to enable strong new growth

In principle you can prune your lemon tree all year round, as lemon trees are tolerant of pruning. However, the best time to prune your lemon tree is in late winter, for example February. This gives your lemon tree enough time to put out strong regrowth after pruning.

The good reasons for pruning lemon trees in winter are not just botanical but also based on legalities. The Federal Nature Conservation Act (Section 39 BNatSchG) prohibits heavy pruning between March 1 and September 30. Light shaping and maintenance pruning is permitted, however.

A row of lemon trees in plant pots

Lemon trees make great decorative potted plants.

If you want to prune your lemon tree in spring, you should choose a day at the beginning of March beforenew growth appears.

If pruning your lemon tree in autumn, make sure that there are no frosty temperatures. You can leave your lemon tree outdoors until October or November, but you should bring it indoors in the event of overnight frosts.

To overwinter a lemon tree, you should choose a bright winter home for it, with windows and LED lighting. The lemon tree will need little water over the cold months.

The lemon tree can be placed out again into the spring garden, as long as all chance of frosty temperatures has passed.


By the way: a well-kept lemon tree is ideal for decorating a roof terrace or in a Mediterranean-style front garden. Citrus trees are also a great choice for sloped gardens and small gardens.

Pruning a lemon tree: The right tool and accessories

To prune a lemon tree, you should first have the right tool and protective equipment ready. To make the work easy and safe for you, and to avoid damaging the citrus tree, prioritise quality here.

You are ready to prune your lemon tree safely and precisely:

Lemon tree shaping cut

When pruning a young lemon tree, a shaping cut is essential to get the crown into a pleasing structure. This is how to carry out a shaping cut:

  • Choose a strong central stem (= leader), cut it back by about a third and tie it to a cane. You should remove competing stems when pruning the lemon plant.
  • Choose 3 to 4 strong side stems and cut off all other stems. Remember to remove any water shoots as well.  
  • Water shoots (also known as “water sprouts”) are thin, long and upright shoots that do not produce fruit and will ultimately only deprive the lemon tree of nutrients. 
  • Now you can also shorten the side branches of your lemon tree by one third, cutting directly behind a bud and tying them in to a support.

Lemon tree maintenance cut

After 1 to 2 years, it is time for the first maintenance pruning of your lemon tree. The basic structure of the crown is already established – now the following pruning approaches are available:

  • Thin the crown of your lemon tree from time to time so that the fruit gets enough light and air.
  • If two shoots are growing from a single branch ring, cut one of them off.
  • If any branches are crossing each other, you should also remove one of them when pruning the lemon tree.


Beware! Make sure that you do not just shorten these branches, but remove them completely. Otherwise, the stems will just branch further and your lemon tree will become even denser.

Lemon tree rejuvenating cut

You can give an old lemon tree a new lease of life with rejuvenating pruning in spring. Here is how:

  • Trim all thicker branches to 10-15 cm when cutting back your lemon tree.
  • Lemon trees are quite tolerant of pruning and will even grow back from shortened branches.
  • If you cut the lemon tree back very dramatically, remember that it will take a little longer to regrow in our latitude.

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