Winterising your lawn mower: prepare your lawn mower for winter storage.

We recommend preparing and storing your lawn mower for winter before the cold season starts. These are the key things to do before putting it in storage.

A woman wearing gloves folds down the handlebar of a lawn mower inside a tidy garage

Light servicing before a long sleep: steps to successfully Storing a lawn mower For Winter

Once temperatures drop, sending your grass into dormancy, the lawn mower can start looking forward to a long winter break. Before that starts though, you need to winterise your lawn mower, which simply means prepping it and storing it for winter. In other words, you need to give your lawn mower the right maintenance to ensure it isn’t damaged during storage, by accumulated dirt and fuel residue on the machine for example. Just a little winterising maintenance at the end of the season means that you can be certain your lawn mower is in peak condition when you need it again, ready to assist you in the garden. And a good annual winterising routine means a long, reliable life for your mower. 

We have compiled the most important tips for your winter lawn mower maintenance. 

Important safety precautions: You must disconnect the spark plug on petrol mowers before winterising or carrying out any work on the machine; for electric lawn mowers, disconnect the power cord; and for cordless lawn mowers, remove the battery. 

How to winterise a petrol mower for storage 

How to prepare your petrol lawn mower’s engine for winter storage

Person pumps gasoline from a STIHL RM 448 TC gasoline lawn mower for winter storage

Empty the petrol tank 

It’s important to ensure that the fuel tank of your lawn mower is empty before the winter break. Any remaining petrol will lose its flammability over the winter, which means you may have problems starting your mower if you leave petrol in the tank until spring. If there is only a little fuel in the tank after you’ve done the last cut, we recommend preparing to winterise it by leaving the lawn mower running in neutral until the engine stops by itself. 

Close-up of a lawn mower dipstick that is being held over a rag to check the oil level

Check the oil level 

When preparing your petrol lawn mower for winter, it’s important to ensure the oil level is right. Your machine should always be maintained in good working order – even while it is in storage for the winter. If the oil needs changing towards the end of the season, you should do it immediately rather than putting it off until after winter. Your STIHL dealer will of course be happy to help you with the oil change, though if you prefer to change the oil yourself, please observe the operating instructions and use the recommended brand oil. 

Winterising your cordless lawn mower and battery

Many elements of preparing a cordless lawn mower for winter storage are the same as for a combustion engine or electric lawn mower: cordless lawn mowers should also be cleaned thoroughly and the moving parts greased. But before you do any of that, remove the battery from your cordless lawn mower and mask off the contact points.
You should charge the battery to around 75%, then store it separately from the lawn mower, in a dry room at 10 to 15°C: these conditions ensure the battery remains undamaged, retains its storage capacity and is fully operational next season. If the battery in your cordless lawn mower is fixed and not removable, you need to winterise the machine as a unit – which means storing the complete lawn mower in a warm, dry place. 

Person removes the battery from a STIHL RMA 339C cordless lawn mower for winter storage

Summary: Storing your lawn mower for winter

  • Thoroughly clean your lawn mower
  • Check the cutting blade
  • Store in a dry place
  • Do not leave any fuel in the tank
  • Check the oil level
  • For cordless lawn mowers: remove batteries and store them in a dry, warm place